Yarn bombings enliven St Leonards strip for third-straight year

December 19, 2022 BY

Rita Davidson, Marie Reed and Liz Korszla of the St Leonards Progress Association alongside one of the 27 yarn bombings located in St Leonards. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

MORE than 25 St Leonards trees are donning knitted Christmas yarn bombings for the third consecutive year thanks to St Leonards Progress Association.

St Leonards and Indented Head kitted the festive creations which feature on 27 trees on Murradoc Road, St Leonards.

Evelyn Confoy of Indented Head by her yarn bombing.

Association chair Marie Reed said the number of trees decorated this year is four less than last year, but the enthusiasm from community members has not wavered.

Ms Korszla’s yarn bombing was inspired by the local seal that caused quite the stir earlier this year.

“Everyone loves it, whether it be tourists, visitors, residents or groups, everyone loves seeing the creativity that goes into creating these yarn bombings,” Ms Reed said.

Rita Davidson of Indented Head with her yarn bombing in the background.

“We already have about 10 regular participants already thinking about what their designs will look like for 2023.”

St Leonards resident Ms Reed initiated a Christmas inspired community yarn bombing project for the first time in 2013 to bring colour to the main street of the town, and since 2020 has been an annual event.

The Christmas Tree cutout decorations consist of face masks fashioned into angels by local students and men’s shed members, a nod to the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years.

Fellow St Leonards resident Liz Korszla is a returning yarn bomber in 2022 and takes great pride in creating her design each year.

“I do my yarn bombing each year primarily for the enjoyment of the kids, who always react positively to seeing them, I am all about putting smiles on their faces,” she said.

St Leonards resident Norma Caruana also features as a yarn bomber in 2022.

“The first year of yarn bombings was pretty much entirely COVID-controlled with people doing them within their homes and that has pretty much stayed the same since, but we love it now, it’s really exciting to see the finished product each year.”

St Leonards Progress Association chair Marie Reed on Murradoc Road.

The yearly yarn bombings coincide with a joint project involving St Leonards Primary School and the St Leonards Men’s Shed, where students and men’s shed members produce a series of Christmas tree cut-outs and line them along the fence of Dan Dan Nook Playground, formerly Harvey Park.