Accessing your super for a deposit remains top priority for peak body

The HIA has always emphasised that owning your own home is the best form of security for your future retirement.
Accessing finance for a deposit is the biggest obstacle for Australians trying to buy their first home, especially those paying rent while saving for their deposit, according to Australia’s peak housing body, the HIA.
It has been a hot political topic throughout the election campaign with the HIA supporting the Liberal Party’s policy to allow Australians to access up to $50,000 from their superannuation to fund a deposit to help them buy their first home.
HIA managing director Graham Wolfe said they welcomed this policy, an initiative that HIA has championed, and would hope the incoming government will take this on board with urgency.
“This scheme builds on the many positive home ownership schemes now in place to support first home buyers achieve their aspiration to own a home.
“It means that funds that are available to Australians via their super can be accessed to get their foot on the home ownership ladder.
“When the house is sold, they can put the money back into their retirement fund with a proportion of the capital growth in value of their home, they are effectively borrowing from themselves.”
The HIA has always emphasised that owning your own home is the best form of security for your future retirement.
They urge for bipartisan support on this issue as the HIA considers this scheme to be a responsible, well thought out plan to ensure that the equity Australians hold in their super can be used effectively to ensure they own their home now and in retirement, and at the same time retain a managed approach to financial security.
“HIA’s research earlier this year showed that Australians believe owning their own home is more important in helping them in retirement than their superannuation.
“People who retire owning a home are much more likely to be financially secure in their retirement,” Mr Wolfe concluded.