Daniel Lamanna strengthens his foothold on the Bellarine

Stockdale & Leggo director Daniel Lamanna celebrates the acquisition of Abbey First National with former director Craig Abbey.
STOCKDALE & Leggo Drysdale director Daniel Lamanna has stamped his mark on the Bellarine real estate market with the acquisition of Portarlington Stockdale & Leggo and Abbey First National.
Mr Lamanna’s long-held confidence in the Bellarine regions property market has proven insightful with this market showing exceptional performance in the last two years with ongoing demand outstripping supply.
“This acquisition is a fantastic opportunity to expand into a broader franchise boundary that Stockdale & Leggo Drysdale has not been able to service in the past,” Mr Lamanna said.
“Both Stockdale & Leggo Portarlington and NH Abbey First National are respected brands that we are now consolidating as we did with Gateway First National Drysdale back in 2014.
“Expanding further into the Bellarine Peninsula brings exciting opportunities from this amalgamation and for us seems like natural progression.
“Our property management business will now consolidate over 250 rental properties in Portarlington and in excess of 800 properties under management across the entire Bellarine Peninsula that will be serviced in the utmost professional and diligent manner.
“This new business expansion also includes Joel Burden and Erin Carvill, both highly regarded and experienced professionals in office management and property management.
“We are excited with the leadership and business acumen that they bring to the table.”
Consistently achieving top 10 sales achievement awards in the Stockdale & Leggo group, Mr Lamanna first ventured into the real estate industry in 1999 as a sales assistant at the Stockdale & Leggo office in Geelong, later going on to purchase the Stockdale & Leggo Drysdale office in 2005.
With the success of this business, he soon purchased and consolidated First National Drysdale into his business to create a dominant brand in the Drysdale property market.
With the most recent acquisitions, the Stockdale & Leggo brand in the Bellarine is a formidable force, providing a one-stop shop for all your real estate needs under the one management model.