Decors are disposable

January 12, 2018 BY

BUYING a home can be very stressful and purchasers sometimes lack confidence when making their final choice.

Having started out with a “wish list” they find themselves sacrificing up to half of what they originally set their hearts on.

“The problem is deciding which 50 per cent to sacrifice,” Bellarine Property managing director Christian Bartley said.

“People get very confused about their priorities, especially if they ‘fall in love’ with a property even though it does not actually meet many of their more practical needs.”

According Mr Bartley, the best way to end up with your ideal home in the long run is to buy prudently from an investment point of view and plan to get your dream home second or third time around.

“Above all, make sure you don’t ignore the old wisdom about location taking up places one, two and three on your list of criteria.

“Decor, even house style and size can always be changed or improved but location and land size (apart from in extraordinary circumstances) are basically there forever. Focusing on location can help purchasers be more objective so they avoid letting their hearts rule their heads.”

Christian Bartley said that, location aside, there are many ways of ensuring that you make a good buy from a structural and amenities point of view.

“Checking thoroughly before making an offer can save time and money.

“It means you can rule out most of the properties that won’t come up to scratch before you spend money on a professional building report.”

Mr Bartley said Bellarine Property has made things easier for purchasers by compiling a comprehensive checklist for use during a second or third inspection on a property.

“Purchasers can call at our office and get one or phone us on 5254 3100 and we will mail it out to them.”

For further information, phone Christian Bartley on 0410 695 325, email [email protected] or visit