Edan named top apprentice

This year’s Master Builders Metropolitan Apprentice of the Year is Edan Dowling from the Proframe team
As the building and construction industry struggles under the weight of supply chain and workforce shortages, apprentices remain a integral key to the sectors future.
The building industry peak body is fully aware of how important apprentices are to the survival of the industry and the Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV) have recently recognised hard working apprentices through their award program.
This year’s Apprentice of the Year Awards has recognised Gordon apprentice Edan Dowling as the Victorian Metropolitan Apprentice of the Year – Future Builder Award recipient.
Nominated by The Gordon and employed by Geelong and Melbourne-based builder Proframe Victoria, Mr Dowling is regarded as a talented carpenter and leader with a bright future.
Gordon carpentry teacher Lorenzo Ernstzen said that from Mr Dowling’s first day at trade school, he displayed a thirst for knowledge and was very eager to improve his skills.
Mr Dowling’s boss, Mick Martin from Proframe Victoria, reiterated the apprentice’s commitment to the job.
“Edan’s work ethic and communication skills are as good as I’ve seen in an apprentice in 26 years on building sites,” Mr Martin said.
“Edan has experience managing up to 20 staff on large scale medium density projects, something a lot of qualified carpenters would struggle with, so I was very happy for Edan when he won the future builder award at the state awards night, it was well deserved.

“Not bad for a kid who left high school after Year 10 to chase a career path that didn’t include a university degree or a VCE certificate.
“At 21, Edan has such a bright future ahead of him, we’re hoping he can go one step further at next year’s awards.”
With a Certificate III as a Carpentry apprentice at The Gordon, Mr Dowling’s passion for carpentry began in wood technology class in high school.
“Using hands-on skills to make something out of nothing made me realise that I would love to do this as a career,” he said.
To qualify for the apprentice of the year categories at the Master Builders Victorian Awards, apprentices must be in their third or fourth year of training.
Nominees submit a portfolio of work and are interviewed by a panel of judges.
“I was shocked when they announced the winner, a third-year apprentice, I thought there would be more experienced fourth-year apprentices that would have had me covered,” Mr Dowling said. “Winning this award has given me a lot of confidence, showing me that I am heading in the right direction and am capable of being given more responsibilities.”
He said he was grateful for the opportunities and the belief given to him by his employer.
“My goals are to be the best tradesperson I can be and have a crew of my own in the future, I am also currently studying to become a registered builder.”
Other Gordon apprentices recognised at the Victorian apprenticeship awards include:
- Joel Muir – Certificate of Merit for Structural Trades Award
- Jayden Bell – Certificate of Merit Developing Leader Award
- Jaksyn Muna – Best First Year Certificate of Merit
- Darcy Ryan – Best First Year Certificate of Merit, and
- Corey Gerdtz – Certificate of Merit Award.