From the REIV CEO: On-site property auctions return

May 21, 2020 BY

REIV chief executive officer Gil King.

The Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s decision to allow on-site property auctions and open for inspections to return to in Victoria with restrictions.

The state government this week announced their plans to ease COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria, which included the welcome news that property auctions and open for inspections can return.
Both on-site property auctions and open for inspections will be restricted to 10 people in addition to staff required to facilitate the auction or inspection. The contact details of attendees will also be recorded.
The real estate sector is prepared to take the measures necessary to assist with a safe return to business.
The real estate sector has adapted extremely well during this pandemic. While restrictions are being lifted, the threat of coronavirus remains and it is imperative that we continue to run auctions safely and responsibly.
The REIV encourages all members to download the COVIDSafe App and implement strong safety protocols as we begin our return to work routines. In addition, the REIV recommends that all individuals attending an open or auction should also download the app, provide contact details to the agent and follow social distancing measures as required.
Online auctions have worked well over the past few weeks and we encourage members to use this as an additional channel for wider engagement.
Having public auctions will inspire increased confidence in our economy, auctioneers across the state are looking forward to getting back to what they do best.
We are very excited about auctions coming back – the real estate sector is prepared to do the right thing to ensure auctions and open for inspections are run safely.
As always, if a buyer or a seller is looking for objective information on the market or an agency, they should head to