Hearing date for Leopold rezone

Submitters for a Portarlington Road, Leopold subdivision will present to a planning panel next week. Photo: SUPPLIED
GEELONG council is preparing to hear public submissions on a planned rezone of three hectares of Leopold farmland for residential use.
Two adjacent blocks – at 672-690 Portarlington Road and 692-700 Portarlington Road – are subject to the proposed City of Greater Geelong planning amendment, which will be considered at a planning meeting on September 8.
The two properties are at the extreme north-west corner of Leopold, with land to the south and east already extensively developed for housing.
The area would provide land for about 45 new properties based on average lot sizes if the amendment goes ahead, though the final total will likely be lower due to drainage infrastructure challenges.
Key matters raised during earlier stages of planning include road access, due to Portarlington Road being an arterial road, environmental concerns from potential land contamination, and concerns from a current property owner that the rezone could affect their business.
The city received seven community submissions during an exhibition period that finished in mid-August.
Council officers are keen to push ahead with the zone change, which ahead of community consultation they said would align with city housing supply strategies.
Developer contributions, of $40,000 per net developable hectare, will also provide a boost for Leopold infrastructure projects, the same report stated.
“The amendment will provide social benefits by facilitating new housing opportunities conveniently located to retail and community services, as well as supporting housing affordability objectives,” a May report stated.
Earlier this year, COGG sent to the state planning minister a propsed amendment for a block at 31-49 Melaluka Road, just south of the Portarlington Road blocks, which would provide for about 35 more properties if approved.
The Minister is also considering a proposal to rezone 29 hectares of farmland at Leopold’s south-east corner, at Ash Road.