
REIV Auction Snapshot

June 21, 2024 BY

A clearance rate of 75 per cent was recorded this week compared to 74 per cent last week and 77 per cent the same week last year.

There were 631 auctions reported to the REIV, with 474 selling and 157 being passed in, 70 of those on a vendor bid.

Camberwell and Hawthorn, both from Boroondara, recently reached 100 auction sales as Camberwell had a very strong performance in May with 90.2 per cent clearance rate from 41 listings.

Saturday June 15, 2024

Clearance rate: 75%

Sold at auction: 324

Sold before auction: 150

Sold after auction: 0

Passed in: 157

Passed in vendor bid: 70

Withdrawn: 33

Postponed: 53

No result: 501

Total Volume: $527.33m