REIV Auction Snapshot

REIV Auction snapshot
A clearance rate of 78 per cent was recorded this weekend compared to 82 per cent last weekend and 78 per cent this same weekend last year.
There were 802 auctions reported to the REIV, with 624 selling and 178 being passed in, 91 of those on a vendor bid.
The City of Boroondara has been the leading municipality for auctions in 2025, with 131 sales.
Camberwell led the pack, with 20 homes sold under the hammer, 25 percent higher than in the same period last year.
McCartney Real Estate sold a vacant lot at 3 Park Lane, Torquay at auction for $3,550,000 while Gartland Property sold 48 Calder Street, Manifold Heights at auction for $1,052,500.
Saturday March 1, 2025
Clearance rate: 78%
Sold at auction: 442
Sold before auction: 179
Sold after auction: 3
Passed in: 178
Passed in vendor bid: 91
Withdrawn: 18
Postponed: 14
Total Volume: $778.83m