REIV market snapshot

August 15, 2019 BY

RT Edgar Bellarine sold 35 Geelong Road Portarlington at auction for $460,000 last Saturday.

A clearance rate of 76 per cent was recorded over the weekend compared to 73 per cent last week and 62 per cent this same week last year.

There were 379 auctions reported to the REIV, with 288 selling and 91 being passed in, 46 of those on a vendor bid.

In 2019 so far, seven suburbs have recorded at least 100 auction sales with three postcodes in the south eastern region – Glen Waverley (125), Mount Waverley (123) and Bentleigh East (114).

RT Edgar Bellarine sold 35 Geelong Road Portarlington at auction for $460,000.


Saturday August 10, 2019

Clearance rate: 76%

Sold at auction: 243

Sold before auction: 45

Sold after auction: 0

Passed in: 92

Passed in vendor bid: 46

Withdrawn: 13

Postponed: 9

No result: 107

Total Volume: $268.54m