School’s in for 2020

The construction, physical elements and landscaping of Armstrong’s newest park has been completed and is open to the public.
Things are set for the opening of Armstrong Mount Duneed’s new primary school for business next year with building works now complete and a principal appointed.
Long-time Ocean Grove Primary School principal Darryl Diment will head the new Armstrong Creek West primary, although the final name of the school has yet to be decided.
Community input for the name closed last week with several prospects in the running. These include Unity Drive Primary; Baanip Primary; Aruma Primary and Aviation Drive Primary.
The reasoning behind these options are that the school is located on Unity Drive and near Aviation Drive.
Willem Baa Nip (1836-1885) also known as King Billy, William Gore or Billy Wa-wha, was a member of the Wadawurrung, while Aruma is a traditional Aboriginal word meaning happy.
The school’s name will be announced in term four.
Lawn Challenge If you’ve been checking out @ArmstrongMtDuneed on Facebook, you’ll know the third and final round of judging in the Armstrong Mount Duneed Lawn Challenge is up this week.
Big Geelong Cat Mark ‘Backyard’ Blicavs is heading the green challenge with fellow Cats Gryan Miers and Luke Dahlhaus, focussing on the critical lawn tenets of cut, colour, coverage and cricket.
Offerings to date have drawn 8.5 and 8 points respectively, primarily on their capacity to accommodate the boys’ cricketing efforts.
No windows have been broken, as yet, and the lads are hoping for a clean run of boundaries and sixers as they pursue their judging duties.
Don’t miss the latest episode at Town centre While you’re on FB, check out Armstrong estate manager Quentin Walker’s wrap on the new Armstrong Creek Town Centre taking shape along the Surf Coast Highway.
Construction is moving along with some serious speed. And, as Quentin says, the convenience of having a Coles supermarket just a few minutes from the front door for Armstrong residents is huge.
The centre will feature a Coles supermarket, 25 specialty shops and an upgrade to Burvilles Road.
This will be complemented by a neighbourhood activity centre due to start construction shortly opposite Armstrong’s Bunjil’s Nest adventure playground with more shopping, services and specialty stores.