50 holes for 50 years

March 5, 2020 BY

Curlewis was ranked the 69th best golf course in the country by Australian Golf Digest earlier this year.

Curlewis Golf Club will hold a special tournament later this month to commemorate their 50-year anniversary.

The 50-hole Golf Challenge on March 15 is set to be a light-hearted novelty event for golfers of age and abilities.

Club general manager Jamie Brigden said the event’s rules would allow people flexibility with how they compete.

“The format will be aggregate stableford and open to all players with a handicap, including non-members.

“Teams must be a minimum of two people, with up to four people per team. If you have more than two people, you can substitute in and out at any time between holes.”

Individuals will play a maximum of 25 holes.

The land Curlewis Golf Club sits upon was purchased in 1947 by the East Geelong Golf Club, which struggled to find an adequate water source. It was subsequently used for grazing instead of golf for more than two decades.

Lunch will be provided for participants. There will also be prizes for winners, runners-ups, and those who hit nearest to the pin.

The event costs $20 per player.

For more information or to make a booking, head to curlewisgolf.com.au.