Barwon Valley trio saddle up for national champs

July 8, 2023 BY

Barwon Valley Pony Club riders Piper Bonderenko, Isabel Morphy and Amelia Marie have been selected to represent Victoria at the Australian Interschool Championships in Werribee this September. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

A TRIO of horseriders training in Mount Moriac are riding high following their selections to the 2023 Australian Interschool Championships Victorian team.

Barwon Valley Pony Club riders Piper Bonderenko, Isabel Morphy, and Amelia Marie were smiling from ear to ear after they found out two weeks ago they would be representing their state.

The Interschool Championships, being held at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre between September 28 and October 2, provides a competitive pathway for young athletes participating in equestrian sport during their school years.

The Championships feature five different types of competition: dressage, jumping, eventing, show horse and combined training.

Nine-year-old Gnarwarre resident and Kardinia International College student Piper, qualified for the national championships just over a fortnight ago in the last event of a alternate qualifying route.

Piper says she loves everything about horse riding.

“I’ll be riding Nilton Mayfair at the championships, or Remy for short, but I’m really looking forward to being a part of the event.

“I’m not really nervous about it, more excited than anything.

“It should be a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to doing it with some of my clubmates.”

10-year-old Barrabool resident and Geelong College student Isabel said she was very excited to compete at one of the top levels for her age group riding her horse, Flowerdale Basil.

“Not only do I get to compete in the championships, but I also get to do it with other riders from the club.

“I’ve been riding horses since I was three on Shetland ponies growing up with horses and my mum breeds them too.

“I’m really looking forward to later this year.”

Miners Rest resident Amelia goes to Pleasant Street Primary School in Ballarat, but attends Barwon Valley Pony Club, the “best pony club in the world” according to the 12-year-old.

Originally a ballet dancer, Marie became an equestrian rider at a young age three years ago.

She qualified two horses to this year’s national championships in four separate events but will only compete in two due to maximum event limitations.

“My favourite parts about horse riding are that I enjoy problem solving and being able to have fun with horses and with my friends,” she said.

The Australian Interschool Championships attracts more than 400 school-based competitors accompanied by family, friends and supporters from around the country and New Zealand.