Big Wave summit returns

March 5, 2020 BY

The training seeks to establish a strong foundation of skills and equipment confidence.

THE Big Wave Risk Assessment Group (BWRAG) will return to Torquay later this month for the second Annual Safety Summit.

The training summit is run by BWRAG chief master instructor Pat Chong Tim of Hawaii, along with Australian surfers Dan Ross and Torquay’s own Zeb Walsh.

Mr Walsh said it was great for Torquay to be hosting the event.

“Most of us live here because we love our coast and we’re in the ocean in one way or another.

“Our coastline attracts tourists and athletes from all over the world – major local, state, national and international water events are just part of the culture and lifestyle of our area. So naturally there’s a lot of support for minimising ocean risk in our community.”

The two-day summit will also include representatives from the Australian Lifesaving Service and Surfing Doctors. They will help hold sessions on a wide range of skills, including ocean risk management, in-water rescue, dynamic breath holding, CPR and defibrillator training.

Mr Walsh said learning these critical water-safety skills from the likes of Pat Chong Tim and other experts had been of great benefit to him.

“As a surfer and a surf life saver, I think it was a no-brainer to get involved. These guys know so much about ocean risk management, water safety and rescue techniques.

“I’ve really reframed my thinking now to be less about ‘What if that happens?’ to more ‘When this happens, what will we do? Are we prepared to save a mate? Do they know how to save me?’.”

Participants will receive Australian Lifesaving Service CPR certification.

The BWRAG has held summits with local experts in Peru, Puerto Rico, Ireland and Portugal.

The event will be held at the RACV Torquay Resort from 7.30am-6pm on March 21-22. Tickets are $340.

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