Complete Cadel’s survey, win a signed jersey

August 13, 2020 BY

Cadel Evans has signed two People’s Ride jerseys as prizes for people who fill out the survey.

THE organisers of the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race (CEGORR) are running a survey on cycling habits during the coronavirus pandemic, and are offering a couple of exclusive prizes as an incentive.
August 2020 marks nine years since Evans became the first Australian to win the Tour de France.
To celebrate the month, CEGORR has People’s Ride jerseys signed by Evans to give away randomly to two people who complete the survey.
Participants will be asked – among other things – if they are riding more than normal since the start of the pandemic, how often they ride and who they ride with, and if they would be prepared to participate in the People’s Ride if restrictions on public gatherings were removed but there were still some COVID-19 cases in the community.
The survey closes on August 27, and winners will be announced on August 28.
To complete the survey. head to
CEGORR is also supporting the Transport Accident Commission’s (TAC) Bike Bright winter campaign.
The TAC says being bright on your bike is about more than just being seen, and using all your cycling smarts is essential when out on the road:

  • Know the basics. Be Bike Bright and brush up on the road rules
  • Service your bike. Study all the how-to’s and DIY, or visit your local bike store
  • Love lights. Be smart and stand out on the road with front and rear lights
  • Make an impression. Forget what’s in the mirror, the best-looking reflection is on your clothing, which keeps you seen and safe on the road
  • Get lost in the moment, not on your ride. Check your route first and then follow the map
  • The perfect ride takes planning. It’s not all about the destination, look for the brightest bike route for a safe journey
  • Dust off the indoor trainer. Interchange your road rides with home workouts
  • Cross train for added strength. Improved fitness helps your riding form on the road
  • Live the dream with a clean machine. Keep your bike spick and span, including the chain and brakes, and
  • Safe cycling rules. Be a living legend and make sure your friends follow the road rules, too.