Council opens sports census for future planning

May 6, 2022 BY

The census could help start projects similar to those at Manifold Heights Cricket Club and Bellarine Bears Baseball Club, which both received the two largest grants as part of the city's 2021-22 Community Infrastructure Grants program. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

QUESTIONS regarding facility usage, female participation and required upgrades will encompass just some of the city’s newly opened sports census.

The annual City of Greater Geelong Sports and Recreation Census is now open for the local clubs and organisations to provide participation data to council which will outline future infrastructure projects.

“The survey questions focus on who, when and how people are using our facilities and reserves,” deputy mayor Trent Sullivan said.

According to the city’s website, the census aims to understand the constraints on pavilions and reserves, identify gaps, opportunities and address challenges associated with specific clubs, and to better understand local trends sports-wise to lend itself to future strategic planning.

“Continuing population growth means we need to plan carefully for investment in both new facilities and renewal of our existing assets,” Cr Sullivan said.

“This census will play an important role in helping us to do that.”

The census also considers frequency and amount factors, whether it be how many ovals/pitches/courts a club’s venue holds or how many times facilities are used per week.

“Clubs taking part will give council a clearer understanding of their club and its members, helping us to better support their organisation and sport into the future,” Cr Sullivan said.

“We will also collect data from sporting associations and governing bodies.”

Most notably, the census hints at types of projects that council is most likely to undertake going forward evidenced by a question asking, ‘What part of your facility/oval/court/pitch/venue do you believe needs upgrading?’.


Manifold Heights Cricket Club’s Damian Tom (right) next to Geelong city councillor Eddy Kontelj.


Options for response include lights, pavilion, changerooms, surface condition and sporting equipment.

“Council recognises the huge positive impact of sporting participation on our community’s physical and mental health, so we want to encourage and support participation as best we can,” Cr Sullivan said.

Local club representatives can access this year’s census by heading to