
FISHING REPORT – September 6, 2018

September 5, 2018 BY

Fishing with her father Nathan, Mia caught this 41-centimetre silver trevally off the jetty along Sheepwash Road at Barwon Heads on Father’s Day.

» Fishing conditions haven’t been great over the past week
» Salmon continue being caught off local beaches
» Small pinkies have been reported inshore
» The occasional whiting has been reported close inshore
» A few squid have been reported.

» Still reports of mulloway catches in the river
» Reports of some snapper offshore
» Reports of trevally catches in the river
» Still salmon being caught off the beaches .

» We finally had a window in the weather with four calm days in a row which allowed us to hit the water
» There are big snapper about with a few over five kilogram and a new club record 8.3-kilogram specimen being landed
» Big King George whiting have been getting caught off the pier, which is unusual for August
» Flathead are still about, not in huge numbers but if you put the time in you can get a nice feed
» A few big gummy and school sharks also came in
» A big school of Yakkas was found, which is strange with the water being only 13 degrees
» There’s still the odd school of salmon popping up but no sign of any tuna.

Thanks to the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club for the report.

» Reports of a few King George whiting in close continue
» Some pinkies and snapper offshore have been reported
» A few flathead offshore have been reported
» Salmon continue to be caught off most beaches
» A few gummy shark have also been reported
» Bream in Spring Creek continue.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in and see Ross or Josh. They will do their best to ensure you get the most up-todate information available. Phone 5264 8207.

» St Leonards has reports the odd King George whiting, flathead and squid
» Reports from Clifton Springs are of whiting, flathead and squid being caught
» Whiting, flathead, pinkies and squid being caught off Queenscliff
» Small trevally and salmon being caught in the cerek
» Swan Bay entrance is still seeing reports of a few squid and whiting
» Point Lonsdale seeing both trevally and salmon being caught
» The White Lady is seeing reports of whiting and squid
» Indented Head reports flathead, King George whiting and squid

WESTERN Victorians and visitors to the iconic Toolondo Reservoir will benefit from additional water being transferred into one of Victoria’s premier fishing spots.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville announced around five gigalitres (GL) of water will be released into Lake Toolondo from Rocklands Reservoir this month – enough to ensure reasonable levels into next year.

The transfer between the two Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water storages won’t impact farmers or other entitlement holders.

The transfer of water to Lake Toolondo is expected to maintain water levels above the fishery reference level of 2.5 metres throughout 2018-19 – sustaining the fishery over summer and into next year.

The trigger to supply Toolondo was recently reached when the recorded volume of water in Rocklands Reservoir passed 116 GL. Transferring the water is also part of normal water management, with Toolondo able to be used in conjunction with Rocklands Reservoir to maximise the efficiency of water storage.

The State Labor Government has been a strong supporter of the Toolondo fishery– delivering on an election commitment to provide water to the Reservoir – with an extra five GL of water supplied in early 2015.

Since then the State Labor Government has worked closely with the local community and stakeholders, and Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water to find ways to ensure healthy water levels in the Reservoir.

The State Labor Government’s Water for Victoria policy acknowledges the recreational values of our water resources and the need to consider these in how we manage water, and the Target One Million plan to get more people fishing also recognises the Lake as an important fishery.

In further support for the fishery since 2014, 48,000 trout have been stocked and $16,000 in funding was provided for the Toolondo boat ramp.

Ms Neville said a transfer of water to Lake Toolondo would start this week providing welcome news for locals, and recreational users and anglers from across the region.

“This is a great example of using our water resources to benefit communities – having a sustainable fishery means social and recreational benefits and a significant boost to the local economy.”

Agriculture Minister Jaala Pullford said Toolondo is a trout fishery of national importance.

“We’ve worked hard to make sure it continues to be a premier destination for freshwater anglers – and a key part of our Target One Million plan.”

What better way to share Father’s Day than taking your kids fishing and enjoying their delight at trying and sometimes succeeding in impressing dad with their fishing prowess.Nathan Coles sent this week’s picture in of him and his daughter Mia on Father’s Day.

Nathan said: “My daughter Mia caught this 41-centimetre silver Trevally off the jetty along Sheepwash Road at Barwon Heads on September 2. We were celebrating Father’s Day. It was the second fish Mia has ever caught.

What a great way to spend Father’s Day.”

Nathan, I couldn’t agree with you more.

I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name.