Group finds a colourful way to spark a conversation

October 10, 2019 BY

The group meets each Friday and is always open to new members.

A GROUP of Torquay surfers are not only standing up but also standing out for mental health.

The town has a group of eight to 10 surfers take to the waves each week dressed in their finest fluoro apparel.

Torquay Fluoro Friday tribe leader Rachel Parker said the group provided a space for members to openly talk about mental health, but also for others to discuss the matter too.

“What we’re trying to do is make the invisible visible.

“By putting fluoro colours on we are saying it’s alright to talk about mental health, and if anyone comes up and says to us ‘why are you wearing fluoro colours?’ it’s a really great opening for being able to start that conversation.”

Ms Parker said the group is happy to welcome new members. They even have a large tub of fluoro gear for anyone who wants to join in but does not have their own fluoro clothing.

People do not have to be surfers either, as the group is open to people who simply want to swim, run or do yoga on the beach.

Fluoro Fridays is an initiative that started in Bondi Beach in 2013. It has since spread across Australia and also to beaches in New Zealand, the Philippines, the United States of America and England. On Friday, October 11 and 18 they will be taking to the waves at Torquay Surf Beach from 7-8am.

On October 25, they will meet from 5.30-7.30pm and enjoy a free barbecue.

For more information, head to the Facebook page at