Have your say on pipi fisheries

May 23, 2018 BY

PUBLIC consultation is now under way on the draft Victorian Pipi Fishery Management Plan.

Victorian Fisheries Authority chief executive officer Travis Dowling said the draft plan aims to keep the fishery viable, profitable and sustainable for all users of the resource.

“The plan’s development has been a collaborative effort between commercial pipi licence holders, recreational fishers, Aboriginal Victorians and other stakeholders.

“Victoria’s pipi fishery is a relatively small but high value fishery. It has been an important supplier of bait for the recreational fishery and is becoming increasingly important as a supplier of local pipis for food.

“Pipis are also popular amongst recreational anglers who recognise their excellent eating qualities.”

Mr Dowling said this was Victoria’s first Pipi Fishery Management Plan.

“It recognises that pipis are of particular importance to Aboriginal people for personal, cultural and communal use. To this day, pipis are still used for food.”

The draft plan is available online at vfa.vic.gov.au/pipiplan and submissions must be received by July 13.

For more information, email the Pipi Fishery Manager, Sonia Talman, a [email protected].