McKeon joins fellow Olympians for Lorne Pier to Pub

January 9, 2020 BY

Gregorio Paltrinieri, Mack Horton and Sam Sheppard are will be some of David McKeon's main contenders. Photo: MARK DADSWELL

TAKING place in just two days (Saturday, January 11), the Powercor Lorne Pier to Pub will now feature Olympic swimmer David McKeon alongside fellow Olympians Mack Horton and Gregorio Paltrinieri.

McKeon says he has a keen interest in the race largely because of familial relations.

“It’s just something I’ve always wanted to do. My uncle, Rob Woodhouse, has won the swim before, back a fair few years ago.

“My mum’s family grew up in Victoria, and we used to holiday near Lorne and Torquay. It’s a beautiful place.”

Rob Woodhouse won the 1986 and 1989 editions of the Pier to Pub.

This year, McKeon will be one of about 5,000 swimmers to challenge in the event.

McKeon said he was looking forward to competing against some of his colleagues.

“I’m good friends with Mack Horton whose done it a fair few times, I’m also friends with Sam Sheppard, whose won it a fair few times (seven), so it’s a good social thing with the boys, I enjoy having a swim with them so it will be good fun.”

The Lorne Pier to Pub is now in its 40th year. The 1.2 kilometre race will begin at 11.45am.