Rip View Swim Classic raises money and spirits

January 9, 2020 BY

Michael Skrodzki 3rd, Robbie Dilissen 1st, and Malachy Brennan 2nd at the end of the 2020 Rip View Classic. Photos: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

THE 32nd annual Rip View Swim Classic was held on Sunday at Point Lonsdale.

More than 1,000 people participated in the swim, helping raise money for the Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC).

The Red Cross were also invited to be the main fundraiser for the day. They raised over $2,000 for the Bushfire Relief Fund.

The event also had celebrity chef Matt Preston and radio presenter Sabina Reed providing commentary over the microphones for the event.

Event director Liam Petrie-Allbutt said the duo helped create a great atmosphere.

“They worked really well together and helped make it a really engaging event.”

The different swims follow the curve of the picturesque Lonsdale Bay, with a shorter 600-metre race being included for the first time.

Liam Petrie-Allbutt said this addition was “really successful”.

“It opened up the doors for people trying to get into open water swimming.”

The traditional 1.4-kilometre swim had more than 700 competitors involved.

Robbe Dilissen won the men’s category, having won the five-kilometre swim at Jan Juc just a day earlier. Dilissen completed the race in just 15 minutes and 17 seconds.

Helen Whitford won the female category with a time of 17 minutes and 11 seconds.

Dilissen also claimed victory in the 3.8-kilometre race, finishing in 41 minutes and 12 seconds.

The female category was won by Rebecca Henderson who finished in 44 minutes and nine seconds.

Henderson has also enjoyed recent success beyond the Rip View Swim Classic, having won the 2.5-kilometre race at the Rock2Ramp at Anglesea a week earlier.

The 33rd Rip View Swim Classic will also take place this year, as it has been rescheduled to December 27.