Soccer mums biting into the action

April 14, 2022 BY

Go Soccer Mums provides the perfect opportunity for mothers to connect with their children who also play soccer. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

MOTHERS at a Bellarine-based soccer club are putting their ball skills to the test thanks to a new and exciting initiative.

Based at Lake Reserve in St Leonards, the Bellarine Sharks have kicked off a fresh new program dubbed Go Soccer Mums, a joint collaboration between local services to cater to mothers of local clubs across the region wanting to take their soccer game up a notch.

“This program is really good,” program coordinator Alicia Hildebrandt said.

“We have already had two of our Go Soccer Mums line up for our senior women’s side this season.

“Myself personally, I’m even using the program to recover from a foot injury and get back my level of fitness to play for the women’s senior side again.”



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Participants go through a full training session from a warmup at the beginning through to heart-pumping drills as training rolls on.

According to Sharks vice-president Jaren Fulwell, the program is predominantly subsidised by Geelong-based disability support service Leisure Networks and VicHealth.

“The funding provided by these organisations is great on two fronts,” Fulwell said.

“It helps with the health and well-being of the participants in the program, but also gets mothers in amongst a club culture which creates so many more benefits in a social sense.”



Ball skills are refined each week during the program.


Not only mothers are encouraged to join the program as the initiative’s name might suggest, but anyone willing to give soccer a go is urged to get in contact with the club.

“We have women who have never played sports in their lives, never played soccer in their lives,” Hildebrandt added.

“It’s just a great way to learn new skills like being a good teammate and learn how to play a sport and connect with their kids through the game.”

Bellarine Sharks boasts a men’s and women’s senior team, an under 13 girls team, two under 11 teams and two under 9 squads, approximately 110 players in total.

To join the club head to the Sharks’ website