Some clubs prepare for return to play

Torquay Bowls Club's Social Bowls competition will be returning, albeit with various protocol in place to ensure people's safety.
REGIONAL Victoria’s transition to the Third Step on the state government’s coronavirus roadmap has seen a loosening of restrictions on sport and recreation.
All outdoor non-contact sports can now proceed with the number of people required to play, including necessary umpires and coaches.
The roadmap defines non-contact sports as those where you can maintain 1.5 metres between yourself and others while playing.
Torquay Bowls Club started their social bowls competition yesterday (Wednesday, September 23) and will continue over the weekend, with people able to register on the club’s website.
Social bowls official Colin Hibberd said the club had various protocol is in place to minimise the risk of transmission.
“Because we’ve only got one green at the moment, with the other green being rebuilt, it’s limited to 32 players per day.
“There will be hand sanitising, a 1.5-metre spacing, we’re not going to roll the jack; the jack will be placed. We want as few people as possible handling the group equipment, so you don’t pick up other peoples’ balls like you may have in the past.”
Players will also be required to wear masks.
Local cricket clubs are waiting upon the sport’s governing bodies to learn more about what protocols will be in place.
Cricket Victoria’s head of member services Paul Milo said this information would be released shortly.
“We’re still working through the finer points around training, number of groups on-field and turf wicket preparation but we expect we’ll have more information to share there in the coming days.
“We’ll also be hosting webinars for clubs and associations over the next week to provide support and guidance as we make our way through this process.”
People under 18 will now also be permitted to resume outdoor contact sports.
Spectators are not permitted for any sports unless they are supervising children or supporting players with additional needs. These spectators will also need to limit themselves to gatherings of 10.
Outdoor physical recreation can now involve up to 10 people in any group. If a personal trainer is leading the group, they are not included in this count.
Skate parks will also reopen, and outdoor pools can now have up to 50 users at any time.
For more information on restrictions on sport and recreation, head to