Surfing Victoria announces new event dates for 2020

June 3, 2020 BY

SURFING Victoria has updated the status of their future events and competitions following the recent relaxation of lockdown restrictions.

The Victorian Open Series Round 3, School Sport Victoria & Independent School Teams Titles, and Victorian Longboard Titles Round 2 have all been cancelled.

However, there is better news for some of their other major events.

The Victorian SUP Surfing Titles will likely be the first Surfing Victoria competition to be held since March, having been postponed to August 29-30. It will take place at Point Impossible.

On September 6 the remaining heats from Round 1 of Victorian Masters Titles will then be held in Jan Juc.

Jan Juc will also host the Woolworths Victorian Junior Round 3 on September 21-22.

Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles have also been postponed, but have not yet been rescheduled.

Surfing Victoria’s decisions have been made with guidance from Victoria’s Sports and Recreation government body, but are also subject to change depending on future announcements from the state government.

Surfing Victoria will release further information on events such as restrictions for onsite spectators, risk management and hygiene, at a date closer to the events.