Torquay Golf Club – August 9, 2018

August 8, 2018 BY

TUESDAY the ladies had a sunny and less windy day for their golf. Wind sprung up late in the day just as they were finishing. Faye Henry-Davies shot 35 points to win A Grade and B Grade winner Clare Geaney also shot 35 points. Noel Orwin took out the Resort win with 28 points. Sue Hehir shot 15 points to win the 9-hole competition. NTPs Wendy Callahan, Shelley Clark, Noel Orwin, Ros Holland, Ros Lewis and Sue Booth hit the jackpot.

Wednesday Dennis Abbey shot 38 points to win A Grade. B Grade went to Peter Orwin with 40 points. Adam Hicks had 39 points to take out C Grade. Alec Hand was our Resort winner scoring 37 points and Guest winner Michael Barber (Thirteenth Beach GC) had 41 points. NTPs Dominic Condon, Peter Orwin, Peter Rees, Doug Young and Bob Manning the jackpot.

Friday Graham Travers shot 40 points to win for the men. Teneile Louchery won the ladies with 30 points. Guest winner Ivan Majdandzic (Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club) 34 points. NTPs Garry Smith, Mary Sweet, Joe Cengic and Terry Dowling hit the jackpot.

Saturday Monthly Medal was up for grabs and there were some good scores posted three players finished with 68 and so will play off for the medal next month, Chris Fitzgerald, John Calnin and Peter Fox. Paul Palimaka finished 1st for A Grade with 72. B Grade went to Chris Fitzgerald with his 68 and C Grade winner Peter Fox also with 68. Ronnie Beacom was the best for the ladies 77. Resort winners Ian Lawson 41 points and Anne Staig 34 points. Guest winner once again was Ivan Majdandzic (Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club) 78. NTPs Wayne Rau, Andrew Ranner, Inge Oliver, Kathy Simson, Gary Kerr, Ian Colwell, Marty Stewart and Bob Manning for the 2nd time this week hit the jackpot. Must be his new clubs!!

Sunday Garry Smith took out the men’s with 38 points. Vicki Rossiter had 30 points to win the ladies and guest winner Angela Stephens (Mornington Country GC) shot 37 points. NTPs Ben Chandley, Judy Bell, Adam Noble and Terry Heffernan the jackpot.

Golf Shop assistant Nicholas Treble did his last shift on Sunday as he is moving on up in the world taking a full-time job offer at Drummonds Preston. Nick was a valued member of the golf shop team and his smiling face will be missed by staff and members alike. We would like to thank Nick for all his happy service in the golf shop over the last two years and wish him well in his new career path. So, if you are up Preston way call in and say hello!

Lessons professional Kel Llewellyn is available most days by appointment and Darrell Brown will be at The Torquay GC on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Phone the golf shop to book in a time on 5261 1677.