Training protocols for local football and netball teams released

May 19, 2020 BY

AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria have released a list of protocols that teams returning to training in the coming days are required to follow.

On Sunday, May 17, AFL Victoria announced teams would be able to begin training in groups no larger than 10 on Monday, May 25. Netball Victoria made a similar announcement, but their date for beginning is Thursday, May 21.

Today (Tuesday, May 19) they have released more detailed protocols, with the key principal being “get in, train, get out”.

Not only is training required to be completely non-contact, but all participants, along with any coaches, volunteers and parents must also maintain a distance of 1.5 metres to each other. Any spectators not “a reasonable distance” away from the training group will be considered as part of the group

Access to clubrooms or change rooms is not permitted. There should also be very little equipment used apart from footballs or netballs.

Each club must also have one COVID-Safe Officer. This is someone who has completed the federal government’s online COVID-19 Infection Control Training.

A register of all players and staff must also be kept, with anyone who is feeling unwell urged to stay at home.

Clubs must also receive approval from their local council before they begin training.

A full list of regulations can be seen at