Volleyball competition sees spike in interest

February 6, 2020 BY

Volleyball players Elena and Bronwyn.

THE Surf Coast Volleyball Association (SCVA) is set to hold its first competition.

The has association moved quickly from concept to formation.

Bronwyn Withers was looking to take up volleyball last year, but realised there were no local teams in the shire.

She approached the Surf Coast Shire council’s Sports and Facilities Operations team and soon found herself president of the new association.

Ms Withers said she was surprised by the amount of people who quickly expressed interest in the sport.

“I tried to start something myself but found it hard, so I contacted Council to see if they could help in any way.

“I was put onto Mark Campbell at the Sport and Recreation Centre and between the two of us, we organised a six-week come and try to see if there was interest. More than 50 people registered, so we formed a committee made up of community members and here we are.”

The inaugural competition will be a mixed social competition.

With the new Surf Coast Multi-Purpose Indoor Stadium scheduled for completion by the end of the year, Ms Withers is looking for the association to grow into the new facility.

“Once the new stadium is finished, we’re hoping to expand from social, to competition and juniors.

“We’re very excited that we’re going to be part of the new stadium along with various other sports and activities.”

Registrations are now open. People can either register as a team or as an individual, with the competition providing a relaxed environment for players to meet new people. Registration is $40 per term.

The Thursday night mixed-social competition will begin on February 13.

People wanting to know more about the association can join the Facebook group @SurfCoastVolleyballAssociation or email [email protected].