Wreck2Reef keeps yacht club afloat

February 6, 2020 BY

Indented Head Yacht Club volunteers. Photos; MARK HEENAN MEDIA

SWIMMERS both young and old will take the plunge into the waters of Half Moon Bay this Saturday, February 8, to compete in the 2020 Wreck2Reef.

The swim is organised by the Indented Head Yacht Club, with the funds from the event going to its Young Tackers program.

Wreck2Reef co-director and Indented Head Yacht Club secretary Ned Fairlie said the swim was crucial to the club’s existence.

“Being a small club, we were always looking for new ways to fundraise, so it was an excellent way and thought that money can be directed to our fundamental program of the kids sailing.”

In the early 2000s, the club’s membership had dwindled to about 40, but the formation of the Wreck2Reef and the community’s readiness to embrace the event helped revitilise the club.

Mr Fairlie said the funds from the swim had particularly enabled the club to do more to encourage young sailors.

“Over the 11 years of the swim fundraising we have been able to funnel that money into buying newer modern, plastic and fibreglass boats which take a lot less maintenance, a lot more robust and a lot more stable so the kids feel a lot safer, especially for that first time out on the water.

“The club provides life jackets and helmets for all sailing participants, and we have used those funds over the years to upgrade a lot of the older life jackets.”

This year the club passed the 100-member mark for the first time in decades.

Swimmers can still register for the event by heading to wreck2reef.com.au/register.