Instilling CORE values in young people.

May 10, 2024 BY
Strathfieldsaye Primary School | Core Values

Developing independent, confident children is the primary school's mission.

STRATHFIELDSAYE Primary School is located ten kilometres from the centre of Bendigo in a unique rural setting bounded by high quality community and recreational facilities.

The school’s mission is to develop independent, confident children by providing learning experiences aimed at students pursuing excellence in all areas of the school curriculum.

The philosophy of the school is firmly based on the belief that the best educational outcomes are achieved when school and home work together to ensure the social, physical, emotional and intellectual development of the student is met.

The school is a modern teaching and learning facility incorporating a comprehensive computer network to support the provision of information technologies for our student’s future education.

Outdoor facilities including a netball court, three large adventure playgrounds, two shade cloth protected sand pits for Junior School students and a covered basketball court provide venues for outside learning and physical education lessons, sporting activities and whole school assemblies.

At Strathfieldsaye Primary School, a number of specialist programs are provided including Visual Arts (Visual and Media), Physical Education, Chinese Language, Performing Arts (Music and Drama), Science Technology Engineering Maths (STEM) and Digital Technologies.

Developing independent, confident children is the primary school’s mission.


Students who require more assistance in Literacy are provided intensive small group sessions using strategies and resources based on the MultiLit intervention program.

Parental support and involvement are a priority for educators. Staff receive support for classroom programs at all levels from parents, School Council, Parents and Friends, and the wider school community.

They aim to provide an open friendly atmosphere that welcomes parents and families to the school and treats their concerns seriously.

The school also has a philosophy of providing a caring and supportive environment in which students are actively encouraged to learn and grow in self-confidence and esteem.

At Strathfieldsaye Primary School the Victorian Curriculum is used as a planning tool to provide engaging educational programs.

The curriculum aims to meet the challenges of preparing young people for a world in which knowledge is highly valued and constantly changing; a world in which work, society, community, and personal relationships are subject to increasingly complex pressures.

Young people need a broad range of knowledge and social, personal and thinking skills to be successful.

The Victorian Curriculum enables young people to develop through their schooling and will prepare them for their final years of study. Highly trained staff endeavour to ensure that students at Strathfieldsaye Primary School receive the best education.

Staff strive to cooperatively work with community to provide the best quality of education possible for the students of Strathfieldsaye.

A set of foundation values have been established that underpin all the work, relationships, and directions of the school.

They reflect the needs of our community and the aspirations they have for students through learning and their development as young people.

These values drive the school community’s actions, behaviour, and attitudes. They are the ‘core’ of what the school is.

The CORE Values are Caring, Optimism, Respect and Excellence; foundation values developed in consultation with students, the school community, and teachers to reflect the areas which are hold important and special to the school community.

There are many other values that are celebrated within the school through wellbeing initiatives such as School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respectful Relationships.

CORE values provide a recurring theme throughout the child’s learning journey at Strathfieldsaye Primary School as they grow as an individual and valued citizen.
