Entries open for Easter institution

March 3, 2025 BY
Easter Art Show 2025

Broad spectrum: Every year the Art Show receives up to 800 entries from near and far across several categories. Photo: SUPPLIED

ARTIST submissions are now open for the Rotary Bendigo Easter Art Show 2025, Rotary’s main annual fundraiser that supports the club’s various local, national and international humanitarian and youth programs.

Prizes on offer include $2500 for the artwork deemed best in show, $1500 for best oil or acrylic painting, $1500 for best watercolour, $1500 for best drawing and $750 for best small image.

Six highly commended awards will also be given out with a prize of $250.

Former Rotary Bendigo president Brian Figg, who’s coordinated the event for more than 10 years, said a highlight every year is the enormous assortment of entries (normally up to 800) from Central Victoria, Melbourne, Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula, southern New South Wales and further interstate.

“It’s amazing, we get people who hop in and have a look and, first of all, they’re stunned how magnificent the Town Hall is, and then they’re astounded by the variety of the artwork.”

The Bendigo Town Hall, built in 1859, provides a stunning backdrop for the annual exhibition.


He said the Show represents a forum for emerging right through to professional artists, some of whom have never exhibited before.

“We normally get three to four thousand patrons coming through the door over Easter, so it’s really giving the opportunity for an artist to showcase their work,” he said.

“Between 20 and 25 per cent of exhibits have sold in recent years, so again, it’s an opportunity for artists to display and sell their work and be rewarded.”

The Rotary Bendigo Easter Art Show 2025 takes place at the Bendigo Town Hall from Friday 18 April to Monday 21 April, opening 9am each day and closing 5pm Friday to Sunday, and 2.30pm on the Monday.

A preview and awards evening will also be held on Thursday 17 April from 7pm.

Entries from artists must be made before Monday 31 March at bendigoartshow.com.au/content/1344/galleries.