Kenneth is happy and independent at home with support

June 22, 2023 BY

Kenneth Insley’s Home Care Package from genU has helped him stay at home and live interpedently.

FOR eighty-year-old Kenneth Insley, a genU Home Care Package has allowed him to stay living at home and independent in his senior years, despite not having family living nearby.

The former landscape gardener and keen fisherman moved from the family home to his Kangaroo Flat retirement community after his wife died in 2018.

Managing ongoing health and mobility issues, Kenneth relies on personal care four times a week and other support services organised by his genU case manager Pauline Tonkin.

“Packages are Government funded to assist people over 65 to be able to stay at home longer and safely,” Pauline said.

“Recipients are getting to stay in their own home much longer.

“They have all their own things around them and keep their routine.

“It also makes the families much happier to have someone committed to their care that visits their parents on a regular basis.”

In her role as case manager, Pauline helps to simplify the package process and works with recipients and their families to develop and implement a care plan that suits their life.

“We don’t come in and take over, we’re here to support you and assist you in doing what you want to, not only around the home but also out in the community,” Pauline said.

Home Care Packages have four levels of support.

Level one provides approximately two hours of service per week, with rising support through to level four with eight to 10 hours per week, depending on the type and cost of services.

With more than 20 years’ experience in aged care, Pauline works closely with local carers and services to help recipients get the most value out of their package.

She encourages families concerned about aging parents living at home to talk to their loved ones about starting the process of getting assessed by ACAS sooner rather than later.

“It’s so satisfying to help people to be able stay where they are connected with family and friends,” Pauline said.

“I feel lucky to support older people to live happy, healthy lives.”

Phone 1300 558 368 or email [email protected] to discuss your Home Care Package needs. Or visit