Local artist profile: Ben Wrigley

March 16, 2025 BY

Higher realms: Ben Wrigley said having Desmond Tutu take him by the hand and draw him into a conference with six of the principal leaders of ATSIC to photograph them was a highlight of his career. Photo: SUPPLIED

THIS week we chat with photographer and sculptor Ben Wrigley, whose new installation, The Wands, featuring five interconnected wooden sculptural works, opened yesterday in the Beehive Building.

What initially motivated you to take up your multi-disciplined arts practice?

Both my parents were creative, my father an architect and sculptor, but he referred to his practice as “design”.

My mother was an interior designer and furniture designer, then (a) sculptor of some note.

I was in the workshop making and carving from a very young age and I was given my first camera when I was 9, so you can see, I’ve been instructed to be perceptive in concept and material.

How would you describe your style?

I’m very eclectic as I’m not limited to a modality of practice.

There’s a clear divide between my photographic practice and sculpting.

There are themes that permeate my work, but they’re not completely embedded in a style, per se.

I’ve spent years enquiring into sacred geometry and have found now, particularly in the Wands, that their own sacred geometry has emerged.

Five years of wood carving and drawing on my years of whittling, building and carving wood and stone, is another attempt to create introspection, contemplation and meditation.

Which other artists inspire you?

David Nash, sculptor, and reluctantly, John Gollings, my professional photography nemesis!

Both these artists have stretched the vocabulary of their respective mediums, breathing air into the understanding and acceptability of their art.

Isamu Noguchi, Brâncuși, Catier-Bresson, Margret Bourke-White, Man Ray, and Duchamp of course, whom I blame for the complete destruction and consequential division in art and commercial ‘bankable’ artists.

Then there are the philosophers and gurus, from Jung to Amma Bahgavan!

What are some highlights you have from your career so far?

(Recently) I secured the placement of Wand #4 ‘Transcendence’ in the Sacred Heart Cathedral for three months as part of the Wands Pilgrimage.

Having Desmond Tutu take me by the hand and draw me into a conference with six of the principal leaders of ATSIC, Lois Luitcha O’Donohue, Pat Dodson among them – I was there to photograph the meeting.

To be asked to shoot Dame Elizabeth’s private garden, ‘Cruden Farm’, through each season for a year was special.

I’m currently doing chapter pages for a book for Taylor Cullity Lethlean, renowned Australian landscape architects.

How can people check out your work online?

Benwrigley.com.au, thewands.au, instagram – designamoeba, ben.wrigley,the_wands

Do you have any exhibitions coming up?

I’m a resident artist at Emporium Creative Hub and the Wands was welcomed to Djarra Country at the launch in the Beehive building last night.

I’m also working on some whittling of ceremonial wooden spoons, a culmination of 40 years’ work.

I’ve also created an App, fotoji.app, for novices who are wanting to take control of their photography from (their) phone.

What would you say to young regional aspiring artists thinking of making a go of the creative life?

The art of the artist is to invest in inspiration that has no client, but one’s own heart, as guide and driver.

There is no right way, just your way.

Trust your impulse and trust your sense of quality and self.

Equally important is networking – who you know and how one holds oneself are enablers.

The people who have continually supported me, not only for the consistent quality and reliability in delivering, I call my angels, for they are no less miracle makers for me! Believers.