
Airport upgrade ready for take-off

April 7, 2022 BY

Contract signed: The City of Greater Bendigo and the Federal Government have finalised the contract for the remaining funding for the terminal upgrade and new business park. Photo: FILE

THE contract between the City of Greater Bendigo and the Federal Government for works at Bendigo Airport has been finalised.

The agreement includes the remaining $4.5 million needed for the near $10 million terminal expansion and new 21-lot business park project.

City of Greater Bendigo CEO Craig Niemann said the paperwork was completed on Friday, 1 April and he expects construction to begin soon.

“The City recently called for construction tenders and is in the process of evaluating the submissions,” he said. “We look forward to announcing the successful tenderer and progressing this project.

“We thank the Australian and Victorian governments and all politicians we have met with over the years who have helped advocate for the airport and deliver these funds.”

The Federal Government announced the funding in January, following a previous commitment of the same amount from the State Government. The City has also contributed $985,000 to the project.

Victorian senator Sarah Henderson said the Federal Government has now contributed more than $10 million to the airport, including for runway upgrades and a helicopter stand and a fuel truck parking area.

She said the terminal upgrade and new business park will help boost Bendigo’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and deliver “a new wave of opportunities including for more daily flights.”

“Bendigo is a major regional hub and this upgrade will meet growing demand for air services with the addition of new departure and waiting lounges, expanded car parking facilities, a security screening area, a baggage claim area, an expanded café and restroom facilities,” she said.

“The $9.985 million project will trigger almost $23 million in local economic activity and support 49 jobs during the construction period alone.

“Once complete, the airport’s expanded operations will support a further 19 new jobs.”