Barfold burn-off turns to blaze

Help from above: Helicopters were called into help douse a grassfire on Morgans Road at Barfold on Australia Day. Photos: STEVE KENDALL
FIREFIGHTERS from 22 central Victorian brigades battled a 20-hectare grassfire on Morgans Road at Barfold on Australia Day afternoon.
A CFA spokesperson said the blaze stemmed from a burn off.
Thirty ground units, two helicopters and a bird dog fire spotting plane were called to the scene after the fire started at about 1.25pm.
At one stage a Watch and Act notification was issued, but the fire was under control by 6.30pm.
The aircraft continued to monitor hot spots for several hours with the bird dog remaining until 11pm.
Castlemaine and Metcalfe fire brigade crews stayed on site overnight and other local crews returned in the morning to continue blacking out over the next day.