BCHS calls for pill testing

January 26, 2024 BY

Backing: With festivals in Bendigo like Groovin’ the Moo coming up, BCHS has put support behind a push for legislated mobile pill checking. Photo: FILE

BENDIGO Community Health Services has come out in support of a proposed State drug checking bill and hopes the Victorian Government will too. 

This announcement comes after cases of drug-related hyperthermia at Hardmission music festival in Melbourne on 12 January resulted in nine people being hospitalised. 

BCHS executive leader or wellbeing, inclusion, and independence Dale Hardy said with several more music festivals coming up soon in Bendigo and beyond it was time to get the message out. 

“We are incredibly concerned about the risk of further overdoses, often among young people in the community,” he said. 

“It’s likely the substances that caused the Hardmission overdoses are still in communities around the state. 

“Without a drug testing service, the only chance we have of detecting hazardous substances are when it’s too late.  

“We want to reiterate that overdoses and deaths to overdose are preventable, and drug testing is one way to insure against tragedy.” 

The Victoria Alcohol and Drug Association and other organisations have also expressed the importance of implementing a drug testing service, as have five Victorian coronial inquiry recommendations. 

“We will continue to support VAADA to lobby government to progress sensible and effective harm reduction measures to reduce drug overdoses,” said Mr Hardy.  

“We know that drug checking services, or pill testing, encourages people to reconsider consuming illicit drugs.” 

The Pill Testing Pilot for Drug Harm Reduction Bill was proposed by the Victorian Greens, the Legalise Cannabis Party, and the Animal Justice Party on 30 November.