BV&E ushers shine on centre stage

December 23, 2022 BY

In the spotlight: BV&E 31-year volunteer Judy Monti, newcomer Sam Moloney and Grace Cox who’s given 32 years to the community. Photos: PETER WEAVING

BENDIGO Venue and Events’ volunteer ushers have been acknowledged at a recent event.

The annual breakfast, held on stage at the Ulumbarra Theatre is the City of Bendigo’s way of thanking a group of people who make a significant contribution to town’s live performance venues.

Of the many volunteers in attendance, two stood out for special mention.

Grace Cox has been a volunteer for over 32 years and as a life member of the Bendigo Theatre Company her journey to volunteering began in 1973 when she encouraged her young son to audition for a part in Oliver Twist.

“My son said to me, I will if you will mum,” she said. “I auditioned, got a part and loved the experience so much.

“I was hooked and became a volunteer. I was made to feel so welcome and that’s what I love doing, to make people feel welcome when they come to one of our shows.”

Ms Cox said that all the volunteers get on well together.

“We are so pleased to see new volunteers and appreciate their commitment. After training they fit in well and are ready to sign up for the roster for the following month,” she said.

There was a special surprise waiting for Ms Cox as she was presented with a large bouquet of yellow roses as part of the recognition of her effort.

“This was so unexpected,” she said. “I had no idea I was going to receive this award. We don’t volunteer to be recognised, but I must say to be acknowledged like this is pretty special.”

At the other end of the volunteer spectrum is 16-year-old Samuel Maloney.

He had just celebrated his 14th birthday and having completed drama in year 7 he became a volunteer usher after volunteering backstage for the Bendigo Theatre Company.

He said he was grateful for the opportunity to help out behind the curtain and front of house.

“As a volunteer I know that I am building lifelong skills that will hold me in good stead for future experiences,” he said.

“I am learning from people who have so much knowledge and are willing to share with me. This is the most amazing opportunity. I know how lucky I am,” Samuel said.

Mr Maloney has been introduced to a variety theatrical genre through volunteering at different productions and this has broadened his knowledge of theatre.

“I hope to go on to study theatrical production and performance theatre when I leave school and I am building up my skills base in so many areas of theatre management,” he said.

Both Ms Cox and Mr Maloney said they would encourage people to consider volunteering at Bendigo Venue and Events.

“We enjoy different shows, greet and assist patrons. But for me the most important aspect of volunteering is giving back to a community,” Ms Cox said.

“When you do, you get so much back yourself. Volunteering over the years has been the best thing I could do.”

Mr Maloney is so thankful that he has been accepted as a volunteer and said he’s going to take every opportunity to learn from the professionals and other volunteers.

“I hope to make volunteering a lifelong commitment, and I encourage others to do the same,” he said.