
Carpenter helps build his own home

May 15, 2024 BY

Driven: Jack Scanlon and partner Natasha Murphy have built their second home only a few years after their first. Photo: SUPPLIED

SECOND-time homeowners Jack Scanlon and partner Natasha Murphy got the keys to their new home last spring.

After hard work and perseverance, the couple bought land in Gisborne in 2023, and having grown up in the area, had a desire to build their own life there together.

After building their very first home with Metricon, a Sullivan 17A in Lancefield, this next build, an Avanti 27 home from the Freedom range, was the next step.

Mr Scanlon had saved a first home deposit by age 20. Three years later, they’ve upsized.

“We made a really good return after building and selling our first home with Metricon, so there was never any doubt we wanted to build with them a second time, this time a larger home with more space, bedrooms, and a bigger outdoor area, to suit this next stage in our life,” Ms Scanlon said.

“The process of building your first home can be daunting, however, with fantastic help and guidance from our first new home advisor, we knew that for the second time around, we would once again be in safe hands.

“The team was always there for us, with the ability to pick up the phone any time to discuss anything from bricks to benchtop finishes.”

A self-employed tradesman, Mr Scanlon was invested in the project and was able to have a hands-on role with the build.

Natasha Murphy and Jack Scanlon were very involved with their second house build, particularly Mr Scanlon who was a tradesperson on site. Photo: SUPPLIED


“I know Metricon works with local trades, so this was an opportunity I was not going to pass up,” he said.

“I was so impressed with the process and the site team that I am already thinking about building number three and going even bigger.

“I started working on the frame in May, and we first got the keys in early October, so the pace of the build was outstanding.

“Being across all the details of the construction of your own home was a bonus, and once we managed to get the fencing, gates, and garden beds laid out, our dream home took shape and has become a reality.”

Metricon’s regional north manager, Tania Tonks said she knew the couple well the second time around and could guide them well.

“They are a highly motivated and inspiring young couple who are the perfect example of what hard work can achieve,” she said.

“We are genuinely so passionate about building our customers’ homes, and Jack and Natasha have been fantastic to work with in helping them achieve their home-building dreams, for a second time around, and hopefully a third in the not-too-distant future.”