
Community celebration is back this weekend

March 17, 2023 BY

It’s blooming great!: The Dahlia Spectacular Show is one of a whole lot of events taking place at the weekend-long festival. Photo: FILE

THE Dahlia and Arts Festival is back in Eaglehawk this weekend after being put on hold for three years due to the pandemic.

In what is its 50th anniversary, this year’s golden-themed festival could be the biggest and best yet with live performances, street parades and markets for people to check out.

Festival convenor Reece Henley said it’s going to be an exciting weekend with activities getting underway on Friday night.

“We are having a launch party, which is going to be exciting,” he said. “There is going to be live music and performances as well as a local brewery and winery with goods on offer.

“That’s the event to really bring everyone together, it’s an open invitation to the whole community. It kicks off at Oddfellows Hall at 6 pm.”

Saturday is going to be the highlight for many said Mr Henley.

“It’s going to be quite exciting,” he said. “Victoria Street is closed from 8am and from 9am onwards there are going to be a bunch of different activities on and around the street.

“This is going to be a little bit new from festivals past, there are going to be some pop-up experiences, like live art and buskers and a live music stage.

“Shops and cafes on the street are getting involved with some of their own ideas, and then we have the parade at 12.30pm.”

There is plenty happening on the final day too said Mr Henley.

“On Sunday there is the Free Family Fun Day,” he said. “There are carnival rides and some different circus-type activities to get involved with.

“And then we are wrapping the weekend with a free movie at Star Cinema, you just have to book online for that one. Running with the gold theme we have Austin Powers in Goldmember.”

Mr Henley said it was a great weekend and recommend those from outside of Eaglehawk make the trip.

“If you are not from Eaglehawk, come along and allow yourself enough time to experience the Borough in all of its glory,” he said.