Dementia villa on the home stretch

Show home: Heathcote Dementia Alliance president Sandra Slatter is ready to welcome visitors to the prototype care villa, Costerfield House. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA
COSTERFIELD House, the Heathcote Dementia Alliance’s prototype care villa, is almost complete.
HDA founder and president Sandra Slatter said there were only a few finishing touches still to come.
“We’re just waiting for the artificial intelligence guy to come back and hook everything up, and do the testing,” she said.
“The blinds are coming shortly, and that will basically be it apart from the furnishings.
“We want to put it out there now, if anyone in the community wants to come and have a look they’re more than welcome.
“But it’ll be appointment only until we do an official opening.”
Volunteers and tradespeople have been hard at work since the villa arrived at Heathcote Health in April, transforming it from lock-up stage to fully fitted accommodation.
Going forward, it will be used as an educational resource.
Costerfield House has been designed to provide the best possible environment for those living with dementia and to allow them to remain in their home setting for longer, particularly on rural properties.
HDA are hoping to attract widespread interest to help the project grow in the longer term.
Heathcote Health CEO Dan Douglass said it was exciting to see the care villa being fitted out in accordance with the latest dementia design principles and cutting-edge assistive technology.
“In addition to being an impressive-looking building from the outside, the interior of Costerfield House is exceptionally well laid out for a person living with dementia,” he said.
“We can already see how Costerfield House can benefit the provision of in-home care while enabling greatly enhanced remote monitoring of clients under our care when needed.”
To make an appointment to view the villa call 0417 350 911, and for more information visit the Heathcote Dementia Alliance website.