Doors opened on local First Nations legal service

March 3, 2023 BY

On country: The opening of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service last Friday included a smoking ceremony. Photo: STEVE WOMERSLEY

THE new Bendigo office of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service has opened, and it’s only the second regional site for the organisation in the state.

VALS seeks to provide referrals, legal support and information, and case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people interacting with the justice system.

The organisation’s chief officer Nerita Waight said the new office would help streamline the process of helping First Nations people in the region.

“It’s incredible to make sure that Aboriginal communities can access legal services where they are, rather than having to wait a week or a month for a lawyer,” she said.

“They get to come to our office and get the access to services that they need.

“What’s also positive is that this will have a great impact on the community in early intervention spaces.”

However, Ms Waight said the opening of the office was only a first step and VALS needed government support to continue to expand.

“We spend so much time filling out forms, writing letters, as the Attorney General well knows, begging for funding,” she said.

“We do hope by being embedded in communities like Warrnambool and now Bendigo, the Victorian Government will realise this is a model they need to support.”

Attorney General, Jaclyn Symes, attended the opening and said she was looking forward to continuing to work with VALS, she also acknowledged the important role the organisation plays.

“I want to recognise VALS for their tireless work to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across our state,” she said. “I am blown away by their energy and their passion.

“As Attorney General I am committed of working with VALS and the broader Aboriginal community to make sure that our justice system is more responsive and fairer.

“Plus, really astute to the individual needs of Aboriginal people that come into contact with our justice system.”