Drinking lessons offer a spirited deep dive

May 16, 2023 BY

EVER wanted to find out more about some of the world’s most popular and historic alcoholic spirits?

Well now’s your chance with The Dispensary in Chancery Lane offering two opportunities a month to take a deeper dive on whiskey and gin.

On the second Saturday of every month, the bar is offering a gin class, with a whiskey session held on the fourth Saturday.

The Dispensary’s managing director Finn Vedelsby said the idea for the events came out of interactions with the bar’s customers.

“The inspiration came from my business partner and I talking to guests,” he said. “Having a glass of gin is great but when it comes with a bit of a story it’s even better.

“I think that’s what people are after these days, a bit more of an experience.”

Mr Vedelsby said the classes are not just about appreciating the spirits, they also focus on learning more about them.

“I know a lot of people who’ve been drinking whiskey or gin from the day they were first allowed to consume alcohol,” he said.

“Then when you ask them what’s your favourite gin, for example? Everyone has one.

“But then if you ask them how do you make gin, or what’s in gin, they may say it’s made from junipers, but they don’t know what a juniper is.”

The classes, Mr Vedelsby said, are about showing the customer why that style of whiskey or gin may be their favourite.

“We sit people down and we showcase some local gins or whiskeys alongside some high-level produce,” he said.

“We take them through a journey, a gin journey or whiskey journey, highlighting the difference between them.

“So, when people walk away, they know more about the drink and have got new ideas and recipes on how to drink their gin and whiskeys.”

Bookings for the classes are essential and can be made here via bit.ly/3nD3Fc4 or through the Dispensary website.

Each class runs for two hours with tastings and a complimentary drink.