Eaglehawk pipe works complete

Fresh and clean: More than two kilometres of a Victoria Street non-drinking water pipe has been upgraded. Photo: SUPPLIED
The upgrade began in January and saw slip-lining upgrades along a more than two-kilometre section of pipe along Victoria Street between Upper California Gully and Butts roads.
The pipe carries non-drinkable water and is made available to rural properties in the area.
Coliban Water’s manager of infrastructure Corey Bourne said the upgrades return an unused section of pipe to service and increase water source options.
“Customer’s normal drinking water has not been impacted and is still supplied through a separate treated water pipeline,” he said.
Water for the upgraded pipe will come from either Cockatoo Hill Reservoir or Bendigo Water Reclamation Plant, with raw water offered from the former and recycled water via the latter.
“As we manage demand into the future, we may deliver from either of these two supply sources,” said Mr Bourne.
In the past, Cockatoo Hill received raw water from an open channel near Turner Street in California Gully, which then ran in another open channel via Wilkinson Street in Eaglehawk.
The pipeline was enclosed more than 90 years ago, and its use was stopped about 15 years ago due to leakage.
Slip-lining was developed in the 1940s and involves adding a smaller pipe into a larger one with grouting in between.