Elvis sign signals campaign success

July 28, 2022 BY

Sign of good times: The Bendigo part of the VIVA BENDIGO sign will remain in Rosalind Park, as the City of Greater Bendigo celebrates a successful tourism campaign. Photo: FILE

VIVA the Bendigo sign, with a section of the large lettering at the entrance to Rosalind Park Piazza here to stay.

Manager of tourism and major events at the City of Greater Bendigo, Terry Karamaloudis, confirmed the ‘BENDIGO’ part of sign will stay as a permanent feature following the popularity of the installation during the Elvis: Direct from Graceland exhibition.

“We saw this as a great way to invest in a new installation for our city centre and like many cities around the world, provide that great photo opportunity for tourists and residents,” he said.

“The sign has been incredibly popular during the exhibition with thousands of locals and visitors taking photos and dancing to Elvis tunes.

“We have even seen marriage proposals, wedding photos, public demonstrations, fire twirlers, events, and plenty of selfies.

“The letters were manufactured locally by Bendigo Tramways and the VIVA letters will be put into storage for future use, while the artwork within the Bendigo lettering will be replaced to complement our upcoming Bloom spring tourism campaign.”

The VIVA Bendigo program has wrapped up with the conclusion of the Elvis exhibition, and statement released by the municipality said over 90,000 people viewed the program on its tourism website.

More than 1800 accommodation packages were sold by the Bendigo Visitor Centre, three times the amount sold during the Marilyn Monroe exhibition in 2016.

“We have been thrilled by the response to this program from visitors and our community, and the enthusiasm from traders to help make for a memorable experience,” Mr Karamaloudis said.

“Right from the start of the exhibition there was a great buzz around town, and it has been an exciting few months for our city and region.

“We have welcomed people in unbelievable numbers, which has been hugely beneficial for our local economy, and we hope that there will be many return visits as a result.”