European restaurant to open in old bank

January 17, 2024 BY

New venue: David Cook-Doulton, owner of Hotel Ernest, said he is looking forward to the opening of Terrae. Photo: FILE

THIS year a new European inspired restaurant called Terrae is set to open in the Hotel Ernest.

The venue will be run by chef Tim Foster and operate as part of the Goldfields Hospitality Group.

Hotel Ernest is one of the oldest bank buildings in the region and the restaurant will have room to seat 40 to 50 guests, opening daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The menu will be rustic and designed for sharing, with bold flavours and local wines.

“We believe regional Victoria has so much to offer and, as culinary director and executive chef, I am excited to showcase the best of this region cooking the food that I love to cook,” said Foster.

“With hospitality staff being so difficult to find, a concerted effort must be made to encourage and train the next generation of local hospitality professionals.

“This will be a key part of our endeavours where we will be partnering with registered training organisations to train staff specifically in regional hospitality.”

Foster has most recently worked at Gold Mines Hotel Bendigo with previous experience at Source Dining, Kyneton where he received a one hat ranking from the Good Food Guide.

The Goldfields Hospital Group are also opening a second restaurant, Babae, in Hotel Vera in Ballarat at the end of January.

It will also be led by Foster and have a focus on local, seasonal produce.