
Federal budget ‘responsible’: Chesters

May 25, 2024 BY

Right balance: Bendigo families will be big winners from the recent budget, according to Federal MP Lisa Chesters. Photo: FILE

FEDERAL Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters has defended the recent budget, describing it as “responsible and restrained” and helping to ease cost-of-living pressures for local households.

“It provides a tax cut for every taxpayer and new help with energy bills, rent and the cost of medicines,” Ms Chesters said.

“It builds more homes for Australians, reforms our universities, strengthens Medicare and the care economy, and broadens opportunity in our society.”

Ms Chesters’ comments follow criticism of, and debate about budget measures, including the energy bill rebate and the tax cut, which the government has argued is an attempt to help Australians without being inflationary.

Liberal candidate for Bendigo and City of Greater Bendigo councillor, Matt Evans has been among the critics, telling local media there was virtually no investment in large regional projects.

The budget also included a projected $9.3 billion surplus, which itself attracted political attacks.

But Ms Chesters said the tax cut would benefit 66,000 people in her electorate, while the $300 energy rebate would apply to all households with $325 for eligible small businesses.

She said other measures that would help Bendigo included an increase in the maximum rate of rent assistance by a further 10 per cent, directly benefitting 6185 local people, and a $3 billion cut in student debt for more than three million Australians, supporting 16,954 people with a HECS/HELP debt in Bendigo.

Other positive initiatives she highlighted were pensioners and concession card holders in Bendigo not having to pay more than $7.70 for PBS medications for the next five years, and auperannuation for government-funded paid parental leave.

Ms Chesters described the budget as a “great…back to basics” plan.

“We know that there are Bendigo households under pressure, which is why the Federal Labor government is delivering responsible cost of living relief without adding to inflation,” Ms Chesters said.

“This budget strikes the right balance between keeping pressure off inflation and delivering cost of living relief.”