Fire season comes to an end

April 28, 2023 BY

Extinguished: This week marked the end of Victorian fire restrictions with a season similar in numbers to 2021/22. Photo: FILE

THE final fire restrictions in Victoria were lifted on Monday, marking the end of the fire season which was similar in call out and response numbers to the previous reporting period.

Throughout this year’s season the CFA responded to more than 12,000 incidents, the same amount they responded to between the December 2021 and March 2022 period.

Small vegetation fires were down more than 25 per cent compared to the previous season with around 990.

Vegetation and other outside fires had similar numbers over both seasons with 275 last season compared to 260 this season.

CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan thanked everyone who assisted the CFA throughout the summer fire season.

“As the 2022-23 fire season draws to a close, I want to express my gratitude to the more than 52,000 volunteers across the state who have supported Victoria through another summer,” he said.

“CFA crews have been pivotal in protecting communities through significant grass and bushfires this year such as incidents seen in Flowerdale, Northwood, Glenmore, Maintongoon, and Boisdale.

“Our members continue to work seamlessly with our emergency service agency partners including VICSES, FRV, FFMVic, Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and others all year round.”

More than 3800 CFA members also assisted in responding to state-wide floods last year.

“CFA volunteers don’t stop their valued work now that fire season is over,” Chief Officer Heffernan said.

“We know that the colder months brings a new set of challenges, with a focus on responding to fires inside the home and supporting landowners with private burn-offs.”