Free disposal to keep mattresses out of parks

November 22, 2024 BY
Mattress Muster Bendigo

Mattress muster: Residents can dispose of old mattresses for free on 30 November. Photo: FILE

RESIDENTS with used and unwanted mattresses can dispose of them for free as part of a City of Greater Bendigo-led Mattress Muster next weekend.

On Saturday 30 November from 8am to 11am at the City’s Depot in Adam Street, people can drop off the old mattresses which will be dismantled and recycled for new products. It usually costs $40 to leave a mattress at the Eaglehawk Landfill Recovery Yard.

“The Mattress Muster is a great saving for residents who have an old mattress they want to get rid of,” said CoGB resource recovery and education acting manager Bridgette McDougall.

“Shockingly mattresses are often dumped in bushland areas which is completely the wrong thing to do.

“The Mattress Muster event will provide an opportunity for people to do the right thing and dispose of their unwanted mattress legally.

“There is never a good excuse to dump rubbish in our bushland areas as most of the items being dumped can be disposed either for free or low cost at the City’s local transfer stations or the Eaglehawk Landfill Recycle Shop.

“There is also information on the City’s website about what you can dispose of for free.

“We want people to do the right thing and dispose of their unwanted things the right way. People who dump items in the bush are not only destroying the bush but also risk receiving a fine.”

The Mattress Muster is part of a City partnership with Parks Victoria, Environment Protection Authority Victoria and Conservation Regulator called #ParklandNotWasteland to keep old mattresses out of the bush.

“According to…campaign data, Greater Bendigo is the top regional offender for illegal rubbish dumping in Victoria with around 1400 dumps currently impacting local bushland areas, with more than half consisting of household waste,” A statement from the City said.

“This includes more than 540 dumps recorded since July 1, a significant increase on the last financial year.”

Book a drop-off spot at