Free training to fight suicide

September 23, 2024 BY
Free Suicide Prevention Training

Safety net: Murray Primary Health Network is offering free online training to combat suicide. Photo: SUPPLIED

A FREE, evidence-based suicide prevention training course is now available to anyone living in the Murray Primary Health Network region.

Murray PHN is funding the Question. Persuade. Refer. online training, which takes 60 minutes and helps people to identify the warning signs of someone at risk of suicide, gives them the confidence to speak to them about their thoughts and the tools to connect them with professional care.

Each year, in the second week of September, World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK? Day aim to encourage action and promote the importance of good mental health.

This year’s WSPD theme of changing the narrative on suicide encourages individuals, communities, organisations and governments to engage in open and honest discussions about suicide and suicidal behaviour.

By initiating vital conversations, people can help to break down barriers and create better cultures of understanding and support.

Murray PHN CEO Matt Jones said suicide prevention training helps to create a local safety net, when significant numbers of people in a community are equipped to respond to suicide.

“Sometimes we may feel unsure about what to say or do when someone is acting out of the ordinary or admits they are not okay,” Mr Jones said.

“QPR training can help prepare people to have these important conversations.

“The more community members who are trained to understand and identify people who may be in distress, the more chance we have as communities to prevent deaths by suicide.”

Mr Jones said QPR training would be particularly beneficial for those who regularly interact with a large number of people, including hairdressers, baristas, bankers and members of sporting clubs.

“My hope is that as many people in our region as possible take up this opportunity and complete the training,” he said.

For more information or to register, go to

The Murray PHN covers 100,000 square kilometres of central, north western and north eastern Victoria.

If you or someone you know needs mental health support, visit or call their 24/7 hotline on 1300 22 4636. You can also visit or call them on 13 11 14 and help for young people is available at or by calling them on 1800 55 1800.
