Full steam ahead for historic train

June 23, 2022 BY

Building up steam: Victorian Goldfields Railway is one of the latest tourist attractions to receive State support. Photo: SUPPLIED

HERITAGE trainline Victorian Goldfields Railway is receiving a funding boost to help expand infrastructure.

Member for Bendigo West, Maree Edwards, visited VGR’s Castlemaine facility last week to announce over $125,000 from the State Government to complete the planning stages of a new heritage steam train.

Ms Edwards said the cash boost is one of several instances of assistance that will strengthen Victoria’s tourism industry.

“The Victorian Goldfields Railway is an icon for Central Victoria and we are continuing to invest in improving our tourism drawcards for the region,” she said.

“We’re providing the foundations for investments that will grow tourism and create jobs across the state.

“We know how well loved the railway is by the communities of Castlemaine and Maldon.

“This funding will enable you to do the work that’s required to build on what you already have here and look at expanding the project.”

The support comes days after Ms Edward’s previous announcement of $120,000 to assist with planning for the Castlemaine-Maryborough Rail Trail, a recreational track linking the two towns.

VGR’s cash boost is part of the Enabling Tourism Fund, which aims to help rural tourism groups through planning stages towards shovel-ready work.

The new train will link to the goldmining towns Castlemaine and Maldon across 17 kilometres track.

The support comes as part of the State Government’s Visitor Economy Recovery and Reform Plan, which aims to strengthen Victoria’s tourism industry.

Goldfield’s tourism sector generated around 9400 jobs and circulated an estimated $756 million for the area in 2019-20.