
Get started on your startup

June 15, 2024 BY

Her story: Jane Bunn detailed her weather app startup journey. Photo: SUPPLIED

THOSE with a business startup idea are being reminded that help is available to make their concept a reality, with Startup Central Victoria’s next pre-accelerator program set to begin later this month.

Late last month, and to promote the scheme, Startup Central Victoria hosted an event with meteorologist Jane Bunn who discussed development of her Jane’s Weather app with Bendigo identity Caleb Maxwell.

Ms Bunn, who is the weather presenter on Seven News, spoke about the advantage of participating in a structured program – in her case an AgTech Accelerator Program – in progressing her app idea.

Jane’s Weather is now a one-stop-shop for local weather information relevant throughout the country.

“You can be 100 per cent sure you are doing it right, and then you talk to someone who has done this before,” she said. “Suddenly you realise that something is so obvious and wonder, how we did not see that?”

The 12-week program is free, with support from LaunchVic and the City of Greater Bendigo.

Caleb Maxwell, Jane Bunn and Kerry Anderson at the session.


As part of the program, participants from across the region will connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, experienced bsuiness mentors and professional services.

“This is a chance to test out your idea or develop an early startup model in a safe and supportive environment,” program director Kerry Anderson said.

“You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

The latest program will be held in a series of in-person and online sessions. It is open to anyone aged 18 and older with a business startup idea.

Topics covered will include financial structure, commercial law, branding and marketing, investors and funding, and perfecting a pitch.

For more information and to lodge an expression of interest, go to startupcv.com.au/events/accelerator-program, or call Ms Anderson on 0418 553 719.